Everglades excursions and experiences of history and facts.
Head towards the landscapes of the majestic Florida, one of the most beautiful states of the USA and you’ll find wetlands in its Southern portion which will mesmerize you through their sheer beauty. Yes, the Everglades, also known as “River of Grass”, are found in the southern watershed region begin in Orlando with the Kissimmee river. It is this river which discharges its water into the lake Okeechobee. Everglades Airboat Tours During the wet season, the water which leaves this lake forms a slow-moving river flowing to the Florida Bay, the southern part of the state, where it ends. Recurrent and erratic flooding and fire describe the mixed seasons of everglades island airboat tours. In the dry season, it is the fire that shapes the health of this region and during summers, flooding occurs frequently.
This wetland consists of some of the most ecologically thriving water and land systems which include tropical hammocks, ten thousand islands and rocklands.It is believed that the human habitation in the southern pars of Florida dates back to nearly 15,000 years ago. The ‘Calusa‘ and ‘Tequesta‘ were the major tribes existed in and around Everglades’ ecosystems. While these tribes declined gradually in the 16th century, some other tribes like ‘the Seminoles were thrown out due to US military war operations in the 19th century. Best airboat Rides Everglades efforts to build canals in the Everglades had been in plans since the late 1840s but most construction plans weren’t achieved until early 1880s. In the 20th century, the growth in South Florida economy further gave impetus to engineers to come up with drainage plans and end problems of flooding or damage in canals caused by hurricanes. Eventually, in the year 1947, the formation of Central and Southern Florida Flood Control Project came up with many plans to revamp and manage water of the Everglades. The South Florida metropolitan area also was expanded in this period as most of the water was divided and managed well for utilization purposes in the city and sugarcane farmlands.Airboat rides in the Everglades The development bug that caught the successive governments further imposed pressure on the land. In a flash of time, nearly half of the Everglades was converted into agricultural or urban areas mounting pressure on its thriving ecosystem and since then is well known for everglades island airboat tours. The proposing of an airport further added to the woes of the ecosystem. Some studies predicted that the ecosystem of Everglades would be seriously challenged if airport is constructed in the region. Environmental issues in the Everglades hence received national and international attention from the likes of UNESCO and the Ramsar Convention.The latter also declared Everglades as the one of the only three wetland areas to hold significant value for better ecosystem for everglades city airboat tours.
To ensure that further environmental damage is minimized, restoration projects were undertaken in the 1980s. In the initial years, canals and constructions that damaged the environmental were removed. However, it was only in the 2000 that ‘The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan’ was made legal and passed in the area after it was found that the Everglades needed a more robust framework for restoration.
This restoration plan passed by the Congress is believed to be one of the most expensive environment projects were launched in the US history. Studies have indicated that the ambitious project was not able to gain success due to the divisive politics in this country.Another problem that plagues the Everglades is that it has been burdened by some of the invasive species which are wreaking a havoc on the ecology of this place. Some examples of such trees are melaleuca tree (Melaleuca quinquenervia) and Brazilian pepper, or Florida holly (Schinus terebinthifolius). It has to be noted that Melaleucas generally grow taller and densely thereby making it unsuitable for plants and animals to survive. Birds and small animals are reported to be facing problems to build their nests and homes on the Melalecuca tree. Also thickly growing leaves and ferns like the Brazilian pepper choke Florida waterways and are a major threat to endemic species. These problems are very difficult to eliminate and the same time, they are costly too. Other tree species, the The Old World climbing fern (Lygodium microphyllum) is also thickly populated and makes it absolutely impossible for any kind of animals to pass through.Some pets have escaped or are released into the Everglades from surrounding urban areas. Some pets like cats, both domestic and feral, who have escaped into the Everglades also cause damage to the ecosystems. Studies have proved that some escaped species find the environment favorable and sustain themselves while some other die. This competition in the food chain and survival shapes the ecosystem of the Everglades and hence has made everglades city airboat tours more popular. The increasing population of cat in the wetlands cause irreparable damage to migratory bird species.Luxury airboat Tour everglades However, some animals like Lue tilapias (Oreochromis aureus) harm waterways by creating very big nests and consuming food of native fish in the region. Interestingly,

Florida wildlife officials have established that the species of he Burmese python (Python molurus bivittatus) are thriving in the region and they have adjusted well in the environment.We arrange everglades airboat tours for visitors from all over the world so that they can enjoy the perfect wildlife and natural surroundings in and around this majestic landscape. Tourists who visit Everglades can choose some of the best everglades island airboat tours through us. We also arrange luxury airboat rides in Everglades for guests who want to have an amazing view of this place.